Wednesday, January 15, 2014

[[ A House ]]

This is a panorama of our new property well half of it there's a huge chunk of land on the other side of the house.

That big yellow cinder lock building, that is the house you can see the roof from a mile up the road it's rediculous. We love it! On the far right is the barn which needs a lot of work but will one day find a use. The tiny little building in the middle is a chicken coop, which perhaps one day might be occupied. 

This is the view from the front lobby into the main part of the house. Massive right? That's my fiancé down at the end there. The fires door on the left is to our bedroom, the second our private living room and the last is a bright pink room that's needs a lot of work before it becomes our bathroom. On the right we have my in laws living room and then their bedroom. Their bathroom is going to be the main one which is behind the camera to the right at well.

There will be many before and afters do I won't be showing you much else until then so keep an eye out.

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